Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Online "Menace"

New, unfamiliar things are always a bit scary, especially in the world of media. When the first renditions of printed news came about in the 18th century politicians became fearful of its ability to discredit their reputation by providing the public with information regarding their less appropriate actions.
After newspapers became established a new media threat appeared. With the geographical and timely advantages of radio technology, newspapers were challenged as advertisers left print and took their business to radio. With voices like Edward R. Murrow reporting on World War II radio gained a loyal news audience.
However, the threat of new media doesn't end with radio. Just like newspapers and radio before it Television was viewed as a threat to the already existing media.
Now,the 21st century has done it again. The world wide web has started a media revolution especially within the industry of journalism. Newspaper organizations have their hands full with the mess of adjusting to the online world. Some agencies are using both print and online versions, others or weening off of print altogether in order to take full advantage of seemingly limitless online possibilities. Others are firing all their employees and rewriting their job descriptions to make room for those employees best equip to carry their agency through this media revolution.
Despite the jittery state that journalists and news agencies find themselves in the format for distributing news is changing. The internet has given the public more access and more vocal clout than it has previously been exposed to. News has become (or could become) more of dialogue, a conversation, a collaborative effort between both journalists and the public to present all the facts and all the truth.
As "radio has given the President [FDR] a weapon such as no ruler has ever known," said Radio Guide editor of 1934, so will the internet give journalists and the public a means of changing the way we view news and the media.

American Journalism in Historical Perspective (Overholser)

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