Thursday, December 3, 2009

As for many aspects of life Calvin has provided a metaphor for many issues surrounding the field journalism. Posted above is a bumper sticker I made for my COMMS 239 class. The bumper sticker assignment told students to find a favorite quote or saying about journalism and present it in a bumper sticker format. Although mine was overlooked in class by the professor I feel the dialogue presented between Calvin and his mom, from the book The Essential Calvin and Hobbes.

Lately some of the complaints about news media have regarded their credibility; can the public really trust the media anymore and what stories and material they produce? Some argue that many news organizations are seeking more entertainment or sensational type news because that's what sales. Also, given the current state of the media and the economic downturn news organizations are trying to keep their businesses alive.

The other day in class we talked about Tiger Woods and the how much media coverage that incident was receiving and even amongst top news agencies like CNN and FOX News. Certainly there are far more pressing and less trivial news stories that need coverage and when the question was posed to the class whether or not his bothered them no one had anything to say. Which brings me to another issue that the Calvin and Hobbes comic addresses: Media literacy.

As citizens it is crucial that we educate ourselves about the workings of the media industry. We need to know that it is ultimately a business and we shouldn't always take everything they give us for face value. Media literacy has been something I've come to appreciate immensely during my Comms 239 class and i find it a responsiblity that all citizens need take upon themselves.

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